BAM Procedure FAQ

  • What is BAM?

    Biologic Augmented Microdrilling (BAM) is a treatment for cartilage damage in the knee. BAM involves an outpatient arthroscopic surgery followed by up to 12 injections of a unique combination of bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) and Hyaluronic Acid (HA). This timeline of the BAM treatment explains each part of the procedure.

  • I have “bone-on-bone” cartilage loss; can I still be a candidate for BAM?

    Yes! This biologic procedure is unique in that it is applicable to bipolar or “bone-on-bone” lesions. It can also be used to treat large, non-contained cartilage damage.

  • Am I a good candidate for BAM?

    In order to know definitively if you are a candidate, you will need to either have your medical records reviewed by Dr. Broyles or make an appointment at the Bone & Joint Clinic to be personally examined by Dr. Broyles. You can also fill out this form and a research staff member will contact you to discuss your eligibility. Also, even if you are not a candidate for BAM, you may benefit from a Biologic Injection.

  • Does Dr. Broyles offer any alternatives to the BAM cartilage procedure?

    Yes, Biologic Injections. BAM requires a considerable time commitment both in visits to the Bone & Joint Clinic and in physical therapy. If you are looking to postpone BAM or a knee replacement, one of these alternatives may be right for you.

  • How much does BAM cost? How much do the alternative Biologic Injections cost?

    The BAM surgery and post-operative physical therapy are billed to your insurance company as standard-of-care procedures. See the health plans we accept. You will be responsible for whatever deductible copay and/or coinsurance that applies. There may be an additional non-covered surgery charge depending on the size of the area treated in your knee. All post-operative injections are not covered by insurance. Please contact us to determine your total out-of pocket cost for the BAM treatment.

    The Biologic Injections are not covered by insurance and vary in cost depending on the joint injected, if ultrasound is needed, and whether Dr. Broyles recommends a PRP, BMAC, or combination injection with HA. Please contact us for more information.

  • I live out of town. How long do I need to stay in Baton Rouge?

    For a biologic injection, it is a same-day, in-office procedure.

    For BAM patients, we recommend you stay in Baton Rouge 6 weeks. In this time you will have surgery, your first 5 weekly post-operative injections, physical therapy 5x per week and begin daily use of the Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machine. However, if you wish to travel back and forth weekly for your post-operative injections, we will work with you to find a physical therapist in your area and a CPM machine to rent. We have made arrangements with a local hotel for special long term rates. Learn more about travel information.

  • Can I have both knees done at the same time?

    No, because you will be on crutches for 6 weeks post-operatively. Dr. Broyles suggests waiting 1 year before having BAM on your other knee.

Procedure or Requirement Questions?

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